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Currently offering a limited range of products. As more products and service options become available over time, we will be continually trying to improve your experience with us. We'd appreciate any feedback you may have for us. 

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Shooting Practice


Operation Armed Citizen is small home business based in Northern Utah that is dedicated to delivering quality workmanship and products made here in the U.S.. The mission of O.A.C. is to re-enforce awareness of our 2nd Amendment rights in an effort to create more 2A advocates. Building pride in gun ownership through custom cosmetics and designs is one of the ways we express dedication to our mission. We hope to build a newfound interest in our law abiding citizens, as we provide our take on firearms. Founded in the American way of life, and deeply rooted in our Polynesian culture, our ideas have evolved into new ways to spread our 2nd Amendment message. We look forward to putting out designs which reflect pride and display not only our heritage, but designs that will also encompass cultural backgrounds of many others as well. Ultimately providing you with more options to express your 1st Amendment with your 2nd Amendment.  

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Please contact us if you have any questions, concerns or requests. Note that we are not able to accommodate all requests (see "Personalized Requests" in Terms and Conditions for details). Please send any supporting documents or images to the email below. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to hearing from you.

Kaysville, Utah


Mon-Thu: 9am-5pm MST (Unless otherwise posted)

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